Jorge Reinoza comienza a explorar su lado artístico. En tan solo cuatro años a logrado ser reconocido y renombrado en Los Estados unidos, México y Venezuela.
Sus originales y distintivas creaciones son sin lugar a dudas fáciles de reconocer. El ha experimentado en medios como lápiz, acuarela, acrílicos, pasteles y óleo.
Su trabajo ha sido reconocido y galardonado en diversos lugares. Obtuvo el primer premio en la mención de acrílicos en la famosa feria de San Diego, California (Junio 2004). Obtuvo el premio ?El mejor de la Exhibición? en la Sociedad de Acuarelas de San Diego, California (Agosto 2004). Su pintura titulada ?El Despertar? fue una de las nueve seleccionadas de Mérida para representar al Estado en la Mega exposición II, siendo exhibida en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Alejandro Otero de Caracas, Venezuela. (Marzo-Junio 2005). Jorge Reinoza fue seleccionado entre un numeroso grupo pintores, para pintar un mural en el California School of Internacional Management ubicado en el World Trade Center de San Diego, California. Esta pintura se presento por primera vez al público el 14 de septiembre del 2007.
Jorge Reinoza was born in Merida, Venezuela in 1963. He has a Doctoral degree in International business from Alliant International University (pending), San Diego, California, and a Master in Business Administration with concentration in Marketing from the University of Tampa, Florida. He is a Professor at California International Business University, San Diego, California, and CETYS Universidad, en Baja California. Mexico.
After finishing his Doctoral degree in International Business (2003), he started to explore his artistic side. Jorge is now a renowned artist and creates original, distinctive works of art utilizing a mix media of watercolors, pencils, acrylics, and natural ingredients. He is renderings and inspire by his passion for Quantum Physics, Philosophy, Latino American Culture, Spaniards Painters? legacy, California Life, and range from Reality to the Religious and Ethereal.
Jorge Reinoza works has been honored, winning ?First Place Acrylic Abstract? at the famous 2004 edition San Diego County Fair, and ?Best of Show? in the August 2004 exposition of The San Diego Watercolor Society. His painting ? The Awakening? was selected representing his State (Merida) to be exposed for four months in the Contemporary Museum of Art ? Alejandro Otero? in Caracas, Venezuela.
A complete exposition of part of his amazing collection was presented in San Diego (August-September 2005), Ensenada, Mexico (September-November 2005), Merida, Venezuela (December 2005- June 2006).
In September, 2006, he begun to paint a canvas to Symbolize the California School of International Management and the World of International brotherhood. Students and faculty, and public in general were witnesses of the creation of the painting from the beginning until finish. The opening was September 14th 2007. A permanent exhibition of his art is exhibit in CSIM 303 A street. San Diego, Ca.
Awards and Memberships
V Arte ? Founding member
Member of the San Diego Watercolor Society
?First Place Acrylic Abstract? ? San Diego County Fair ? June 2204
?Best of Show? ? San Diego Watercolor Society ? August 2004
?Jurors Commendation ? ? La Mega ?en honor de Jesús Soto? ? Museo de Arte Cotemporáneo ?Alejandro Otero? Caracas, Venezuela.- March- June 2005
Solo Exhibitions
2011 Festival internacional del Arte- Tunja-Colombia
2010 San Diego Wine and Culinary Center
2009 San Diego Wine and Culinary Center
2008 ? Permanent Exhibition CSIM-303 A Street. San Diego- California
2006 ? Sala ARKITECK- Escuela de Arte Universidad de Los Andes- Mérida- Venezuela
2005 ? Galerías Claudia ? Old Town - San Diego ? California
2005 ? Sala Biblioteca CETYS Universidad, - Ensenada- Baja California ? México
Group Exhibitions
2008 - California International Business University
2006- UCSD ? House of the Americas ? San Diego- California
2005 ? Museo de Arte Moderno ?Luis Astorga?, Mérida, Venezuela
2005 ? Museo de Arte Contemporáneo ?Alejandro Otero? Caracas, Venezuela
2004 ? San Diego Watercolor Society ? August
2004 ? San Diego County Fair ? Del Mar, California ? June
2004 ? San Diego Watercolor Society ? May